Services >Periodontics > Soft Tissue Grafting
Soft tissue grafting is often necessary to combat gum recession. Periodontal disease, trauma, aging, over brushing, and poor tooth positioning are the leading causes of gum recession which can lead to tooth-root exposure in severe cases.
Soft tissue grafting is often necessary to combat gum recession. Periodontal disease, trauma, aging, over-brushing, and poor tooth positioning are the leading causes of gum recession which can lead to tooth-root exposure in severe cases.
When the roots of the teeth become exposed, eating hot and cold foods can be uncomfortable, decay is more prevalent and the aesthetic appearance of the smile is altered. The main goal of soft tissue grafting is to either cover the exposed root or to thicken the existing gum tissue to halt further tissue loss.
The three different types of common soft tissue grafts include:
Soft tissue grafting is an extremely versatile procedure that has many uses. Recent developments in dental technology have made soft tissue grafting more predictable and less intrusive. Here are some of the main benefits associated with soft tissue grafting treatment:
Initially, deep cleaning will be performed both above and below the gum line to clear the teeth and roots of calculus (tartar). The grafting procedure itself will generally be performed under local anesthetic, but this will depend on the size of the areas receiving grafts. A small incision will be made at the recipient site to create a small pocket. A split-thickness incision is made in this pocket and the donor tissue is placed between the two sections of this area. The donor tissue strip is generally larger than the incision, so some excess will be apparent.
Platelet-rich growth factors that stimulate natural tissue growth and promote good healing may be applied to the site before suturing. In addition, tissue-stimulating proteins may be added to encourage quicker tissue growth. Finally, the wound site will be sutured to prevent shifting, and surgical material will be placed to protect the sensitive area. Gum uniformity and substantial healing will take place in the first six weeks after the procedure.
If you have any questions about soft tissue grafting, please contact us now at Mina Family Dentistry, Your One of the best Thornhill Dental practices!
At mina family dentistry in Thornhill, various types of soft tissue grafts are employed to address different issues, each of them tailored to the needs of the patient. The main types of soft tissue grafts include free gingival grafts, connective tissue grafts, and pedicle grafts. Each type has a unique use and application depending on the scenario at hand.
A free gingival graft is used to address and fix gum recession. This type of graft is used when there is a need to increase the amount of gum tissue in areas where the gums have receded especially in regions where the bone structure is intact. It’s often used in cases where there is not enough or thin gum tissue around teeth or dental implants.
Free gingival grafts are taken from the palate, and the roof of the mouth, and are transplanted to the affected area. The process involves making some incisions in the donor site to remove some of the tissue and place it over the root or the area that is lacking gum tissue.
At mina family dentistry in Thornhill, connective tissue graft is used to fix gum recession around the teeth and dental implants. This type of graft is used in cases where there is exposure of tooth roots or gum thinning, which leads to sensitivity in teeth or appearance issues. This is beneficial for patients who want to improve the appearance of their smile or protect tooth roots from further damage.
Unlike other grafting techniques, pedicle grafts use gum tissue that is attached to the oral cavity, which allows for more natural integration and a much faster healing process. This technique is effective for patients who have enough healthy gum tissue that is near the area of recession.
Pedicle grafts involve relocating gum tissue from the nearby site to cover the affected area with recession. During the process, the dentist creates a flap of gum tissue from the healthy area which is partially attached repositions it over the exposed area, and secures it in place. The blood supply from the surrounding tissue ensures that the graft is integrated and promotes a faster healing rate.
What is soft tissue grafting and why might I need it?
Soft tissue grafting is a process used to fix and address gum recession, which is caused by periodontal disease, trauma aging, or poor tooth positioning. It helps to cover exposed tooth roots, reduce sensitivity, prevent decay, and improve the aesthetic appearance of the smile.
What types of soft tissue grafting are available at mina family dentistry in Thornhill?
Free gingival graft, connective tissue graft, and pedicle graft are the services available at mina family dentistry in Thornhill.
What are the benefits of soft tissue grafting?
Soft tissue grafting protects against further tissue and bone loss, particularly in cases of periodontal disease.
What should I expect during the soft tissue grafting procedure?
The procedure begins with a deep cleaning above and below the gum line. The grafting is done under anesthesia and a small incision is made at the site, the tissue is placed between two gum sections and tissue-stimulating proteins may be applied to promote faster healing. The area is sutured and healing occurs over 1 to 2 months depending on the severity of the operation.
How long does it take to recover from soft tissue grafting?
Initial healing takes about six weeks, during which the grafted area will start to integrate with your natural tissue. Full gum recovery may take several months depending on the extent of grafting and your oral care routine.